Wednesday, February 10, 2010

IV: Plane and Edge

Plane- flat: having a surface without slope, tilt in which no part is higher or lower than another; A flat surface extending infinitely in all directions (e.g. horizontal or vertical plane).

Edge- the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something.

Alter Ego- An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when schizophrenia was first described by early psychologists. A person with an alter ego is said to lead a double life.

Abstract- not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature.

Non-Representational- non-representational art is art which is not based on external appearances; this covers several types of art - abstract, and non-objective; work which encompasses non-recognizable imagery that varies from pure abstraction.

Anthropomorphic abstraction- showing human form or characteristics to a being or thing not human

Geometric abstraction
a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms sometimes, though not always, placed in non-illusionistic space and combined into non-objective (non-representational) compositions.

Mask- an article normally worn on the face, typically for protection, concealment, performance, or amusement.

Low relief- three-dimensional form that is barely raised from a flat surface.

High relief- three dimensional form raised considerable off a flat background.

In-the-round- a sculpture that can be viewed from all angle

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wood Sculpture- Arrow

The objective of this assignment was to purchase 2" x 2"s and create a piece that confronts linear space but I could only make 7 cuts. I had to think of the presence and absence in space, opened and closed space, and proximity (definitions in earlier blog).

Crazy Cuts

NOT attached




Crazzyy Angle

Wire Sculptures- Fisherman

The objective of this project was to use wire to create five three-dimensional gestures of a human activity in sequence, I choose to display someone casting a line when fishing.






All in Sequence